Patel Gahagan (‘the Business’) undertakes all reasonable endeavours to ensure the protection of your private and confidential information. All employees employed by the Business are employed on the basis that they will protect information about you. Your rights to privacy are protected at law. Privacy laws dictate that the Business and any relevant entities or employees treat particular information that we collect as confidential. The Business is compelled to store your information securely and to allow you to access or correct your information. The Business undertakes all reasonable endeavours to ensure you can access your private information if required at any given time.

We may make use of ‘cookies’ through the Site. A cookie is a piece of data sent from a website and stored in our web browser while you are using the Site. We make use of these by gaining insights into customer experience and use of the Site. These insights assist us to improve your experience on our Site. Examples of how we may use cookies include but is not limited to analysing if customers return to our Site after initial use and engaging third parties to serve advertisements based on information that you have used our Site.

If you do not wish to allow the Business to use cookies some internet browsers allow users to adjust the settings to refuse cookies. You are free to disable cookies on your internet browser. However, the Business makes no recommendations or suggestions of the method for disabling cookies.

The Business may collect the following information from you –

We make collect personal information in the course of business dealings with you, including but not limited:


We will not sell or trade your personal information.

The Business may disclose information we hold to owners, officer, employees and associated third parties for marketing purposes through the Site or other marketing mediums such as social media. We may also disclose information to third party service providers or contractors.

If the Sites uses third party platforms and services to process sales, store and analyse data or accept payment. You acknowledge these third party platforms are hosted and managed by organisations outside the control of the Business. The Business applies all reasonable efforts to ensure third party platforms used by us warrant that information collected by them is stored in a secure and encrypted form. The Business will take reasonable steps to ensure recipients of your information do not breach any relevant privacy laws. However, the Business does no warrant, guarantee or make any representation in regard to the conduct or acts of third party platforms. The Business is wholly excluded from any liability which may arise from the conduct or act of third party platforms.

We want to communicate with you only if you want to communicate with us. If you do not want to communicate with us please advise us of this. We will apply all reasonable endeavours to ensure the Business or employees of the Business do not contact you against your wish.

You may amend or delete personal information related to your use of the Site. If you wish to access your personal information, amend or delete it please contact the Business and advise that you wish to access, amend or delete your personal information. The Business will use all reasonable endeavours to ensure you are provided with advice on the type of information held by the Business and advice on how this may be amended, accessed or deleted.

You have the ability to use a pseudonym when dealing with us or the Site. This would give you the ability to remain anonymous. While are free to do this, the Site is unable to provide certain services or options to you unless you disclose your correct identity. You must at all times comply with the Terms of this Site if using a pseudonym. You must not infringe on a third party’s rights or breach any law or regulation in any relevant jurisdiction. You must not enter into misleading or deceptive conduct.

The Business respects your personal information. We apply all reasonable endeavours to ensure we have appropriate practices and procedures in place to safeguard and secure the information we collect from you.

If you believe we have breached your privacy rights, please contact the Business. The Business takes your privacy seriously, all enquiries or complaints will be handled with fairness and discretion.